The Import feature is part of the "Admin Suite" so you must be on a plan that contains this bundle of features.
You can import time by course or by competency. To do so, follow these instructions:
Go to the Manage Portal and click on Performance Tools > Time Tracking
Click on the Import button and a popup window will display
Select the activity type you'd like to import (Course or Competency)
Download the template by clicking on the purple link. It will automatically be saved in your browser's download folder.
Important: Do not modify the template. You must keep the first row exactly how it is and not delete any of those columns.
All fields are required except the Notes field.
When you have filled out the template, save it as a .CSV file
Go back to Apprentix and in the import popup, click on "Click to upload file"
Select your file and click on the Import button.
The records will begin loading and depending on the file size, it may take a while for the upload to complete
Double check to make sure all your records were imported