Navigating the Apprentix platform as a manager.
Navigation Menu
Action items are displayed here upon login. Clicking an action item will direct you to the location of the item that requires actions.
Program Sponsor
Program sponsor and complaints manager details
Job Description
Customize your apprenticeship job description to match your company’s needs.
Classroom Plan
Classroom plan details and course list
On-the-Job Plan
Job functions and competencies
Wage Schedule
Give apprentices a clear picture of what they need to do to earn more wages as they contribute more value to your company.
Supportive services and mentorship setup
Supportive Services
Supportive services and mentorship setup
Recruiting Process
Define your selection process and find alternate recruiting sources to open up your candidate pool.
All of your team members that are associated with the apprenticeship.
Performance Tools
Time Tracking
Review, approve, and/or edit time submissions.
Evaluations of skills/competencies an apprentice is learning that do not have a time requirement, ie behavioral skills.
An apprentice can submit a request for an evaluation of a skill/competency.
Documenting feedback to an apprentice.
Wage Increases
Visibility on when wage increases have taken place.
View each of your apprentices and all their relevant info.
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