How to add a team members through bulk import
You must be in the Manage portal on the 'Bulk Actions' tab in order to import users into that specific apprenticeship.
Click on the 'Import users' button
Select the role you want to import users into
Note: each role has a different import template
Download the import template by clicking on the purple link
The file will be downloaded into your default download folder on your computer
Open that template and fill it out correctly
Do not edit, change, or delete any of the column headers. Those must stay exactly as they are in order for the import to work correctly.
You can delete the sample data but review it first, so that you know how to correctly fill out the import spreadsheet.
Complete the import spreadsheet and save as .csv
Upload your completed import spreadsheet.
Allow the system to finish processing all users by looking at the magenta progress bar at the top of your screen and letting that complete.
If you close the tab while the import is in progress, you run the risk of everyone not being imported
Users will receive an email to complete their onboarding process.
Is the upload not working for you?
When you add your people to the CSV file:
Please Do NOT add any additional rows above the headers.
Please Do NOT change the column headers.
Please DO use CSV format instead of XLSX.
Filling out the Manager / Mentor Template
Delete the content in rows 2 & 3
Do not modify the headers
Do not delete or add headers
You must fill out at least the following columns in order for the upload to succeed.
Date Apprenticeship Begins
First name
Last Name
The other columns are optional
If you’d like to enter demographic information in columns Q through Y, see the Reference Table below.
Save the file (it should save as CSV by default, do not use XLSX
Filling out the Manager / Mentor Template
Delete the content in rows 2 & 3
Do not modify the headers
Do not delete or add headers
You must fill out at least the following columns in order for the upload to succeed.
First name
Last Name
The other columns are optional
If you’d like to enter demographic information in columns P through X, see the Reference Table below.
Save the file (it should save as CSV by default, do not use XLSX
Note: All users even unassigned ones get an email invitation to set up their account.
Related: How to add People